An alternative was required, something easy to make and most important of all comforting. This evening therefore I turned to a dear old friend, the underrated, often overlooked home-made sandwich.
I love sandwiches, not the dirty mass produced ones you tend to find in supermarkets and service stations, they're just fundamentally wrong in every possible way. Prawn? Tuna and sweetcorn? Egg and watercress? No chance......
For my sandwich I used some lightly toasted brown bread, pickle on one slice and grain mustard on the other. Cheese is pretty much a must for any proper sandwich so I chose brie. To this I added a thick slice of ham from the local butchers followed by a twist of pepper and a folded leaf of Romaine lettuce. Job done.
Simple, very easy to make but bloody tasty, shame I had to share it...
Oh and a bit of trivia too, Romaine lettuce leaves are particularly fragile compared to other types of lettuce and are often damaged during transport. Despite being the most nutritious their inherent fragility makes it the least widely grown lettuce around. And just in case you were wondering where the name comes from it apparently reached the West via Rome (in Italian it's called lattuga romana), hence the name 'romaine'.
I might go and make myself another one.
Thankfully we have A. Gold in the near vicinity, serving up PROPPA sandwiches. I trust you've sampled their delights?
I certainly have, they are bloody delicious! You can follow their Twitter feed - @agoldshop