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Monday, 21 November 2011

Forget Angry Birds, make Angry Eggs (Video)

Following the 'angry' theme here is a nifty idea to spice up what would otherwise be bog standard hard-boiled eggs. Simple and seemingly delicious, I will also be adding a pinch of cayenne pepper to the mix...

Monday, 14 November 2011

'Pissed Off' Pasta!

Whilst 'angry' is definitely a more accurate translation of arrabbiata, temperament is ultimately determined by the amount of chili that you wish to use in this ridiculously simple pasta dish. So, if like me you too are a chilli fiend, then 'pissed off' is a far better suited term.

As with any pasta dish there is a lot of debate as to where its regional origins lie, however many seem to agree that Central Italy (Rome) is the true home of 'penne all'arrabbiata'.

Irrespective of where the recipe comes from one thing is for sure, the list of ingredients really does not vary - garlic, chilli, tomatoes, parsley and penne. Here's how I do mine...

Serves 2-3:

approx 300g of penne rigate
2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
1-2 large dried chilli (finely chopped)
a handful of cherry tomatoes
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 big handful of flat-leaf parsley

Before you do anything get a pan of salted water on the boil and drop in your pasta. Of course you can use any type of pasta but penne rigate is the winner. Rigate means lined/striped which is an important distinction from ordinary penne as the sauce tends to cling better to the former. 

Add the garlic and chilli to a frying pan with a little olive oil. Key here is to control the temperature, you really don't want to burn the garlic.

When it begins to take on a little colour chuck in your cherry tomatoes, these will naturally release water bringing the overall temperature down slightly. If you've been distracted and the garlic is turning too quickly then just add a splash of water.

Once the toms have softened a little pour in the tin. Most of a bottle of passata will also do, it just depends on what you have available. Stir and season well.

Your pasta should be pretty much ready by now, drain reserving some of the water and add it all to the sauce. Finally throw in your chopped parsley (never basil), stir well and serve.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

and the 'WORST AD OF THE YEAR AWARD' goes to...

...Casillero del Diabloooooooooooooooo, 'Official Wine Partner' of Man Utd apparently...

I just wish they'd managed to get Rooney to pronounce the brand name, that alone would have been enough to make the video go viral.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

"There's a No Taste Like'a Home!"

For anyone that missed Harry Hill's TV Burp on ITV the other night here is a hilarious extract showing Gino D'Acampo in FULL Italian stereotypical glory.

Toooooooooo funny!